Thursday, 21 August 2008

Science Of Sleep

Science Of Sleep
Originally uploaded by i-love-chris
The fifth of a bunch of posters for a final year project. My housemate introduced me to this film earlier this year, and I thought it was brilliant! The poster design was based on the bedroom of one of the characters, who was clearly a massive hoarder and provided ample inspiration for someone who loves detail like myself!

Seriously though, buy this film. Or rent it if you can't afford to buy it. If you liked Eternal Sunshine, you'll think this is awesome.

Type Museum

Type Museum
Originally uploaded by i-love-chris
The fourth of a bunch of posters for a final year project. One of the things I've really wanted to try out over the last year was typorgraphy, and this gave me the perfect opportunity...I wanted to keep a purely hand-drawn aesthetic with the poster, so I ended up having to copy the text by eye from my computer screen to my sketchpad.

Which was a total pain in the ass, but I got there in the end!

The Tempest

The Tempest
Originally uploaded by i-love-chris
The third of a bunch of posters for a final year project. I wanted to do something from classical literature, and after much deliberation and inability to think of anything, my housemate suggested this! This is one of two posters where I used a proper brush instead of PITT brush pens, so you can understand how much I was tearing my hair out doing this...

Alex And The Ra's

Alex And The Ra's
Originally uploaded by i-love-chris
The second of a bunch of posters for a final year project. This is actually a friend of mine, who follishly agreed to be immortalised forever in poster form - so I stuck her in a massive lilac dress! Who wouldn't?

This was based on one of her songs, called 'Rennaissance' (hope I spelled that right), which I selected because it gave me the chance to experiment with pattern and practice my 'flowing gown effect' abilities...

All Families Are Psychotic

The first of a bunch of posters for a final year project. This was based around the idea of book promotion, so I chose Douglas Coupland's 'All Families Are Psychotic' and this was an idea that popped into my head almost instantly.

This was also a good chance to experiment with colour and atmospherics, i.e. the neon signs, the sunset, the hazy landscape in the background, etc.

Sticker Design

Sticker Design
Originally uploaded by i-love-chris
Also part of the series of self-promotional stuff for my final show...based on one of the posters in my second final year project, I chose it simply because I liked how the typewriter came out the first time round, plus it gave me a chance to mess around with typography again :)

Promotional Postcard Design 4

The fourth of a series of self-promotional aids, and the second one based on a graphic novel project I undertook in my final year...

This is probably my favourite out of all the postcards. I love detail, people and urban landscapes, and this one combined the three! Perfect.

Promotional Postcard Design 3

The third of a series of self-promotional aids...based on one of the gig posters I created for a venue in Swindon earlier in the year (which also went on to be a part of one of my projects).

I was a little rusty doing this as I hadn't drawn children for almost a year at the time, so it took a bit of practice to get it right!

Promotional Postcard Design 2

The second of a series of self-promotional aids...this was based on one of the posters I created for another project in my final year, which I chose because I enjoyed the detail...

Promotional Postcard Design 1

The first of a series of self-promotional aids - initially printed for my final show at uni, with whatever was left then used for an exhibition in london...

I based this on a design on the inside covers of this graphic novel I created as one of my projects (which I'll post a few pages of at some point in the near future).