Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Outcry Collective II

Outcry Collective poster 2
Originally uploaded by i-love-chris
It's been a while since I had to draw a child, so this was a challenge in itself - but the fact I had to draw riot gear, which I had never done before, AND make it proportionate to the kid made it an absolute nightmare! I'm not even sure if I got it right even now, but onto the blog it goes...


Anonymous said...

I love him, he's v. cute.


le lièvre rouge said...

Hey Chris,
A blog most worth of the alter-ego 'Awesome McBrilliant Illustration'...
I've plonked a link from my Blog to yours, hopefully we'll get more traffic!
Jen x

Jen Collins said...

hello! whether you remember me or not, i don't know, but i'm the girl who came all the way down (goodness!) from scotland for d&ad & spoke to yourself & some other chaps at your stand. my boy & i had planned to come back to your stall & purchase your book, but it never happened. so, any chance of this now?
random: i googled your name from your sticker, & as well as your blog popping up on the first page, so did a list of tutors from my department at the art college i went to. a chris rowland taught upstairs from me! i found this exciting, but perhaps thats because i get excited easily.